How to fight against acne-prone skin

This picture of me was taken on August 23, 2021 while I was experiencing acne breakouts and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. I have suffered from chronic acne and oily skin ever since I was 14 years old. I am now 22.

This picture of me was taken on August 23, 2021 while I was experiencing acne breakouts and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. I have suffered from chronic acne and oily skin ever since I was 14 years old. I am now 22.

Finding the right skincare products for acne-prone skin is the equivalent of walking on a landmine while wearing a blindfold. Brands love to profit off the insecurities of chronic acne sufferers like myself. It is a terrifying experience not knowing which acne product will blow up your face with new flare-ups. 

Fighting against acne is like playing a game of chess. You have to become wise and strategic with your tactics to overcome your losing battle to acne.  It takes a lot of patience and experience with trial and error. 

I have been a chronic acne sufferer for the past nine years. My complexion was completely clear of any blemishes until I entered high school at age 14. At the time, I was using a topical benzoyl peroxide cream, which did wonders for my face from age 14-21. Last winter, I noticed that I started getting more and more breakouts, and they were not going away. I eventually realized that my benzoyl peroxide cream was no longer effective at taming my acne breakouts.

For the past 11 months, I have been on a journey to find the cure to clearing up my face. In this blog post, I’ll explain three major steps on how to fight against acne. I will also recommend some of my favorite skincare products. Please keep in mind that what works for me might not work for you.

Step #1: Seek a medical professional’s advice 

Acne is not only a cosmetic issue but a medical issue as well. Google searches and YouTube bloggers can only help you so much. However, it is good to start doing your own research. Avoid wasting your money on gimmicky products that claim to miraculously get rid of acne overnight. 

Instead, talk to a medical professional about possible medication options for acne. You can talk to a dermatologist or a primary care doctor. Dermatologists are more knowledgeable about skin issues, but primary care doctors can also prescribe you medications that can help get rid of acne. 

If you find that nothing is giving you results, then it is likely that your skin just needs something stronger than a salicylic acid face wash. A primary care doctor can prescribe you things like spironolactone, benzoyl peroxide cream, birth control, Accutane, antibiotics and tretinoin.

Six months ago, I was prescribed the spironolactone pill and a  tretinoin night cream. Although my face is not completely clear yet, I still have seen an improvement in my complexion. Later this month, I will be visiting my doctor to ask for a dosage increase. My only regret is not scheduling an appointment with my doctor sooner. I unnecessarily suffered for five months without any help.

Not all medications will work, and that is okay. Just try something else until you find something that works for you. The key is to be consistent and patient. It takes a long time to see results. 

Step #2: Look for these ingredients in your skincare

Not all skincare products were created equal. Educate yourself on common ingredients found in skincare products. If you suffer from acne, then you need to be extra picky with what you buy. 


According to  Healthline, niacinamide “is a form of Vitamin B-3, an essential nutrient.” This skincare ingredient is helpful because it “can help build proteins in the skin and lock in moisture to prevent environmental damage.” Other benefits include minimizing pores, reducing redness from inflammatory reactions and regulating oil production. It can also help severe acne in some cases. 

A lot of products made specifically for acne-prone skin include ingredients that dry your skin out. Your skin will overproduce oil to compensate for the loss if you do not replenish the moisture. This means you will be susceptible to more breakouts. I recommend trying the serum from the Ordinary. 

Hyaluronic acid

According to  Healthline, hyaluronic acid is “the main component of what gives your skin structure, and is responsible for that plump and hydrated look.” Other benefits include anti-aging and moisturizing. It can also help to reduce the facial redness that is leftover from acne scars. I also recommend trying the serum from the Ordinary. 

Benzoyl peroxide

It comes in many different forms. According to Healthline, benzoyl peroxide “works to treat and prevent acne by killing bacteria underneath the skin, as well as helping the pores shed dead skin cells and excess sebum (oil).” Ask your doctor for a prescription for topical benzoyl peroxide cream. 

Salicylic acid

It is common in various skin care products such as face washes and acne spot treatments. According to Healthline, salicylic acid “is a beta hydroxy acid. It’s well known for reducing acne by exfoliating the skin and keeping pores clear.” 

Bentonite clay

According to Healthline, “this clay has a unique composition and can absorb negatively charged toxins. People have been using calcium bentonite clay for centuries as a way to detoxify the body, improve digestion, improve skin tone and more.” I really recommend using the bentonite clay from Tula or the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay.

Step #3: Create a daily skincare routine

Remove your makeup

Under no circumstances should you go to bed with makeup on, especially if you are prone to acne breakouts. Ditch makeup wipes and swap them for micellar water or an oil-based makeup remover

Wash your face twice a day 

Opt for a gentle cleanser if you are using medications like Accutane or spironolactone. Those pills get rid of the acne from the inside out, and they naturally make your skin drier. Consider using a face wash with ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide if you are not on any sort of harsh acne medication.

My favorite gentle cleansers are from Youth to the People Superfood Cleanser and Tula’s the Cult Classic Purifying Face Cleanser. If you need active ingredients to fight acne then try Tula’s Keep it Clear Acne Cleanser.

Use an exfoliant at least once a week

Exfoliants can be physical or chemical. They help to remove the dead skin cells off of your face. Dead skin cells can clog up your pores and create blemishes. However, do not over-exfoliate your face and do not combine exfoliants with other abrasive or drying skincare products in one routine. 

Try using the face scrub Yo Glow by Wishful. It has left me impressed! 

Incorporate a toner

According to Neutrogena, “a toner’s job is meant to gently refresh your skin without stripping it of its natural moisture. This means toner won’t irritate sensitive skin or cause excessive dryness. Toner also prepares the skin to drink up your post-cleansing moisturizer and any other skin treatments that you may apply.” Avoid using a toner that contains alcohol. This is my favorite toner

Use serums, eye creams & moisturizers

These three things will help to maintain moisture and hydration in your skin. Serums allow you to add active ingredients to your face based on your skin concerns. Some can make your skin glow, remove hyperpigmentation or make your skin look brighter. The skin around your eyes is relatively thin compared to the rest of the skin on your face. Over time, this makes the area around your eyes susceptible to wrinkles with excessive facial expressions, squinting and lack of moisture. You can slow this process down by incorporating an eye cream twice a day. It is also important to retain moisture in the rest of your face by using a face moisturizer once in the morning and at night. 

Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen is an important component of anyone’s skincare routine. The sun is one of the major causes of premature aging and skin damage. It can help make your skin look youthful for longer. 

My favorite sunscreens are the following: Sun Bum, SuperGloop and Hawaiian Tropics

Utilize retinoids to your advantage

According to Medical News Today, “retinoids are a class chemical that derives from vitamin A.” They are usually used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and they help the skin turnover at a fast rate. This is helpful because it can help prevent clogged pores by removing dead skin cells. It can also help get rid of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation left after a pimple is gone. The strongest form of a retinoid is tretinoin, and you can only get it by prescription.

Remember when dealing with acne it is a marathon not a sprint. It is easy to get discouraged, but with time and effort you will be able to overcome this battle. I hope this was able to help you! 

For more information about my experience using spironolactone click here. If you are interested in seeing my complete skin care routine, please check out this video on my YouTube channel. Follow me on social media for more updates!


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