You should overcome your hatred for running

Are you still traumatized from the mandatory one-mile P.E. run in middle school? If yes, please listen to me convince you that running is fun! There is no doubt that running is difficult, painful and uncomfortable, but it is one of the most rewarding types of cardio-vascular exercises to exist. 

Just remember that the pain and discomfort from running are temporary. The physical and mental health benefits from running are life-long, which makes running a rewarding exercise. Whether you want to lose weight, de-stress or get better sleep, running is going to be your best friend. 

I am not a professional athlete or a marathon runner. However, I am a former high school cross country and track runner. Ever since then, running has always been a part of my life. I try to run at least two times per week on a hilly trail by my house. I always find myself burning more calories running for one hour than I do being in a Zumba or Spin class for the same amount of time. 

Like anything in life, it takes a lot of practice to get good at running. Running can make you feel happy and powerful if you approach it with a positive mindset. I think running is helpful for college students since your body is still young and able to handle the impact on your knees and joints. 

The infographic below contains facts about the benefits of running.

Running is one of the only sports that has a low start-up cost. All you need is a good pair of running shoes. Do not wear Converse or Vans unless you want to be in a lot of pain. I recommend visiting a shoe store like Runners High because they have trained people who can find the best shoe for you. 

Once you get a good pair of running shoes, then you can start running. Running is about holding yourself accountable. You can run on a track, a trail, in a park or your neighborhood. The grass is a better surface to run on if you have bad knees or joints. Running on an incline helps you get better at running because it makes you exert more energy. Running on concrete is the happy medium. 

Start slow, and do not overexert yourself. Otherwise, you will injure yourself. I recommend trying to run a minimum of 30 minutes three times a week initially. As time passes, you will eventually increase your endurance and stamina. Soon enough, you will be able to run for 45 minutes or one hour without stopping. It sounds impossible, but I promise you it isn’t. 

Your entire body will be sore, which is normal. Make sure to stretch after each run to prevent any injuries from forming. If you feel that a body part is in pain, consider taking an ice bath or an ice pack to the affected area. You can also invest in a foam roller or a roller stick, which can help to remove the built-up lactic acid. And do not forget to stay hydrated after a run. 

Running is a mental sport. It is not a sprint (unless you want it to be), and it is not a race. The only way to increase your endurance is to consistently run. You can overcome your fear of running. 

It is okay if you cannot run for 30 minutes straight without walking. The only competition you have is yourself. Take it day by day, and eventually, you’ll be at a place to start running competitively. 

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